“Emotions” Introductory theatre workshop – Capsule 1 https://youtu.be/EviHg-5PiGI To make the practice of arts accessible to all children for free, thus encouraging the development of their full potential. This is one of the priorities we have set with Mylène Mackay and Daphnée Côté-Hallé, two actress friends from the Quebec scene. This duo of artists has at […]
Month: April 2020
Advice from Julie, occupational therapist – Yoga
Advice from Julie, occupational therapist – Yoga Take time to relax. Follow the advice of Julie Dubé, our occupational therapist, to relax with your family at home.
The coronavirus as seen by Daniela and Samantha.
The coronavirus as seen by Daniela and Samantha. https://youtu.be/MbhcaKDw_ds Daniela and Samantha tell us about the coronavirus and our superpowers. Thanks to both of you, to our educator and to Daniela and Samantha’s parents for this beautiful video. Share, it’ll makes you smile!
Advice from Julie, occupational therapist – Socks
Advice from Julie, occupational therapist – Socks https://youtu.be/ockSATd-ABw For Julie Dubé, occupational therapist, in any activity there is an opportunity to stimulate children. Vocational training is good!
Advice from Julie, occupational therapist – Walking animals
Advice from Julie, occupational therapist – Walking animals https://youtu.be/aCBoe_oWR2w How to stimulate your child’s motor skills without leaving the house. Julie, an occupational therapist, answers us in this video.
Go! Habs Go!
Go! Habs Go! Just before the lockdown, some of our Petits Renards had the chance to watch the Montreal Canadiens play in VIP mode. ? Thank you to The Canadian Children’s Foundation for these unforgettable moments. We hope to do it again next year. Previous Next
Advice from Julie, occupational therapist – Time Timer
Advice from Julie, occupational therapist – Time Timer https://youtu.be/xiebAqacF-E Time is a concept that can seem very abstract, especially to children. Julie presents us with a tool that makes it much more concrete and visual, allowing children to better understand the time that passes, and the time that remains before the end of an activity. […]
Advice from Julie, occupational therapist – Individual breaks
Advice from Julie, occupational therapist – Individual breaks https://youtu.be/8dA2OIvmnwc Julie’s advice, act two! Allow yourself to set up quiet moments, moments of pause where each person carries out an (quiet) activity individually. #cavabienaller #lesconseilsdejulie