Dre Pelletier and Michel Gagné’s challenge

Dr. Suzanne Pelletier, Michel Gagné and their fellow partners completed their challenge! Text by Michel Gagné The McCarthy Tétrault team completed 259km around the magnificent Lac St-Jean and thus succeeded their first stage of the 2021 Défi Petits Renards on Saturday, July 31. What a great sporting and human experience to support the financing of […]

2021 Défi Petits Renards

The Défi Petits Renards is back for the summer! After last year’s success, we have decided to organize the Défi Petits Renards for a second consecutive year! The goal of this event is to raise awareness about the Community Social Pediatrics Center and to raise funds to help children and teenagers in the Greater South-West […]

Partial resumption of clinical sessions

Partial resumption of clinical sessions. Telemedicine consultations (video conferencing) allow us to reach children and families more easily and to break the isolation generated by the pandemic period. However, physical consultations remain essential for some children, especially toddlers. Our pediatrician, Dr. Suzanne Pelletier is very happy to finally see the families again. ?‍⚕️

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