2021 Summer activities 2021 Summer activities cardio plein-air From June 28 to july 26, 2021On mondays from 4PM to 5PM Training limited places - priority to children registered at petits renards Waterside (BEhind the CPSCS) View in Google Maps activities in the parks FROM JULY 6 TO AUGUST 23, 2021on mondays from 2pm to 4pm outdoor activities open to everyone without registration(public health limits) cooney Park (verdun) View in Google Maps activities in the parks from july 6 to august 23, 2021on tuesdays from 4pm to 6pm activities and yoga open to everyone without registration(public health limits) Arthur-therrien park (verdun) View in Google Maps Activities in the parks from july 6 to august 23, 2021on tuesdays from 9:30AM to 11:30am outdoors activities open to everyone without registration (public health limits) de la fontaine park (ïle-des-soeurs) View in Google Maps circus workshops from july 7 to august 25, 2021on wednesdays from 5pm - 6pmand from 6:15pm to 7:15pm circus LIMITED PLACES - PRIORITY TO CHILDREN REGISTERED AT PETITS RENARDS At école de cirque de verdun View in Google Maps gardening workshops from june 10 until octoberon thursdays from 4pm to 5pm agriculture limited places - priority to children registered at petits renards grand potager (verdun) View in Google Maps My rights workshops from june 25 to august 27, 2021on fridays from 4:30PM to 5PM childrens rights (8 years+) limited places - priority to children registered at petits renards waterside (behind the cpscs) View in Google Maps yoga workshops from june 11 to august 20, 2021on fridays from 5:10pm to 6pm yoga (6 years+) limited places - priority to children registered at petits renards waterside (behind the CPSCS) View in Google Maps